Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Purim Time

It's that time of year again.
So far, 17 dozen Hamantaschen.
Just 10 or so more dozen to go

I'm having a great time delivering them!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

quick weekend trip

Wednesday we decided to drive down to Miami to see Eli/Emily and friends.

although we could have the top down, it wasn't Miami weather.

We took a boat ride around to look at all the expensive houses and boats (it was the boat show)

We went to a comedy show with Harry and Ellen (Malka) at the Hard Rock
We miss having them close so much!

Morris and Natasha were down visiting Morris's father (from Montreal)
So we got to see them. As you can see, not exactly warm weather.
I hope it improves for them this week.
Emily made us a Valentines day chocolate "lava type" cake!
It was super delicious!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Why wear socks?

Since we moved to Hilton Head we have found out that our closets contents are pretty much unnecessary. Bill says he doesn't even need socks any more.

This week some friends of ours asked us to join them at a Charity Ball for the Red Cross.
What a great opportunity to wear socks!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Up in the air

Yesterday our friend took us up in his helicopter.
I had never been in a helicopter before and we had a great time.
I will I could have gotten a few more photos of the house but I did my best.

If you can see the orange square roof, our house is the grey roof just to the right.
This is taken going the other way, again, just look for the orange roof for our neighbor.

It's not super easy to fly like it seems in the movies.

Also, it seems much smaller close up.
one of the better photos