Saturday, October 10, 2009

A time to rest

I am still having trouble with posting the way I want, see half way down for introduction to this post.

Our reading room being used for reading!!

We went biking, any guesses where we found Eli?
Yes, Sam is in the basket, sorry he got cut out of the photo.
This is a comfortable living room.

As some of you have found out, the only time BIll and I "relax and enjoy" our home and beach is when we have over night guests. It's kinda hard to explain, but when it's just the two of us we feel like we should be, cleaning, unpacking, exercising, volunteering, etc. When people come, we sit, swim and sun.

Last weekend, Eli, Emily and her parents, Ann and John came to visit.
We sat at the pool.

We ate at the crazy crab for lunch.

making sandwiches
coloring for sukkot
Do you want to guess what we are doing? Yes, we are all trying to catch a fish, they were jumping so high we were determined to catch one in our bare hands
Gotta get some yoga in

1 comment:

Anna said...

Looks like you had a great time!